Latrobe Early Learning
Is a not-for-profit community-based service and are committed to providing quality early education and care for all children.

Here at Latrobe Early Learning we know how beneficial finding flexible and quality child care can be. Whether you need care all day, for part of the day, only sometimes, or before or after school and in the holidays – we have something to suit.

We strongly believe in allowing children to choose between indoor and outdoor play as often as possible. Our outdoor yard allows children to move freely, and to explore the natural world safely. It has been purposely designed with some elements of natural risk which allows children to learn skills such as persistence, balance and problem solving. The large, natural outdoor play space is designed with intentional elements of risk, allowing children the opportunity to learn skills such as resilience.

Working out how much child care is going to cost you can be so confusing.
At Latrobe Early Learning, we make it easy and can show you how you can save $230 per fortnight on full time care … and we offer care by the hour, saving you even more!
To see how much you can save yourself, see below for our easy website cost calculator.
You book and pay for only what you need and there are NO charges for Public Holidays.
Cost Calculator
An online tool to see what payments and services you may be eligible for.